Warren Olson

Warren went to college on the GI Bill, and over eight years earned a BA, a MA in philosophy, and a PhD in American Studies. In 1955 he took a job at Chico State College where he stayed until 1962 when he was hired to start the philosophy department at the new Sonoma State College as its first Professor of Philosophy and Humanities. Intrigued with the possibilities offered by interdisciplinary education, in 1969 Warren started Sonoma State's second cluster college - The Robert Maynard Hutchins School of Liberal Studies. He served as provost and then professor in the Hutchins School until his full retirement in 1991. During the 1960s Warren was active in the peace movement in Santa Rosa, helping organize peace marches and speaking out against the war in Vietnam. He participated in the successful effort to keep a nuclear reactor from being constructed on Bodega Head. Warren was a founding member of the local ACLU chapter and fought for social justice with a vibrantly rational passion. He was also passionate about good martinis and red wine, backpacking, traveling in Europe, and spirited dialogue with friends and family.