Stephanie Dyer
Chair and Professor of American History and Political Economy

Carson 44BOffice Hours
Selected Course Offerings
LIBS 320A: Shop Til You Drop
LIBS 320A: Travel and Tourism
LIBS 320A: Alcoholic Republic: Cultures of Drinking in the U.S.
LIBS 304: We Hold These Truths: U.S. History for Elementary Educators
Ph.D., History, University of Pennsylvania
M.A., Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania
B.A., English, University of California Berkeley
Ph.D., B.S.Academic Interests
Professional and Personal Interests
Modern U.S. History, Consumer Culture, Business and Economic History, Oral History, Urban and Suburban History, Media Studies.
Selected Publications & Presentations
"From 'Village in a Vineyard' to Beautiful Wine Country: The Rise and Fall of Italian Swiss Colony in California Wine Tourism," Business History Conference Annual Meeting (2016)
"Democratizing Visions of Luxury and the Good Life in California Wine Country," Business & Economic History (2015)
"Progress Plaza: Leon Sullivan, Zion Investment Associates, and Black Power in a Philadelphia Shopping Center," in Michael Ezra, editor, The Economic Civil Rights Movement: African Americans and the Struggle for Economic Power (Routledge, 2013)