Justine Law
Assistant Professor of Ecology and Environmental Studies

Carson Hall 59Selected Course Offerings
Political Ecology (LIBS 320B)
Climate Change and Society (LIBS 320B)
The Human Enigma (LIBS 101)
Challenge of Response in the Modern World (LIBS 202)
Ph.D., Geography, Ohio State University
M.A., Geography, Ohio State University
B.S. Environmental Science, Allegheny College
Academic Interests
I am a human-environment geographer with an overarching interest in the politics of natural resource management. More specifically, my research focuses on the ecological management practices of rural communities—particularly those in forested regions of North America—and my current project examines ginseng production in Appalachia. My other research and teaching interests include: political ecology, climate change, conservation, novel ecology, and science studies.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Law, Justine. 2018. The impacts of doing environmental research. In The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Physical Geography, 89-103. New York, NY: Palgrave.
Law, Justine. 2017. The other questions we need to be asking about wood bioenergy. Journal of Forestry, 115.2: 128-133.
Mansfield, Becky, Christine Biermann, Kendra McSweeney, Justine Law, Caleb Gallemore, Leslie Horner, and Darla Munroe. 2015. Environmental politics after nature: competing visions of socioecological forests of the future. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105.2, 284-293.
Law, Justine. 2013. Burning wood to power alternative rural economies? Woody biomass energy generation in Vermont. FOCUS on Geography, 56.3, 75-83.
Law, Justine and Kendra McSweeney. 2013. Looking under the canopy: rural smallholders and forest recovery in Appalachian Ohio. Geoforum, 44, 182-192.