Benjamin Frymer
Associate Professor of Sociology

Carson 55Selected Course Offerings
- Madness and Civilization
- Value(s)
- Schools in Society
- Alienation
- Modern Media Dialogue Project
Ph.D. Sociology, UCLA
BA. Psychology, UC Berkeley
AERA-IES Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University, Teachers College:
Institute For Urban and Minority Education
Academic Interests
My main interests fall broadly in critical social theory, social philosophy and sociology and concern the study of alienation, domination, education, youth, the psychopathology of everyday life and media.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Frymer, Benjamin, Kashani, Tony, Nocella, Anthony and Van Heertum, Richard (Eds.) Hollywood’s Exploited: Corporate Movies, Public Pedagogy and Cultural Crisis (2010, Palgrave).
Frymer, Benjamin (2010) “The Frankfurt School and Education," in The Handbook of Cultural Politics and Education." Edited by Zeus Leonardo, SensePublisher
Frymer, Benjamin (2009) “The Media Spectacle of Columbine: Alienated Youth as an Object of Fear.” American Behavioral Scientist June 2009 vol. 52 no. 10 1387-1404.
Frymer, Benjamin (2006). Sacred Profanities: Youth Alienation, Popular Culture, and Spirituality- An Interview with Donna Gaines. Interactions: UCLA Journal of Education And Information Studies, Volume 2, Issue 1, Article 8.
Frymer, Benjamin (2005). Freire, Alienation, and Contemporary Youth: Toward a Pedagogy of Everyday Life. Interactions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, Volume 1, Issue 2
Frymer, Benjamin. “Youth Alienation in Everyday Life: The Promise of Critical Pedagogy.” In Rossatto, Cesar and Allen, Ricky Lee (Eds.) Reinventing Critical Pedagogy: Widening the Circle of Anti-Oppression Education. Rowman and Littlefield Press (2006).
Projects: Co-Director, Modern Media Dialogue Project (Hutchins Dialogue Center); Founder, Modern Media Dialogue Series